24.6 C
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Secret of Life is Beyond Our Control

This article has been translated from the original language (Indonesian) into English.

Life flows like a river that we can never fully control. We often feel like the captain, but are really just passengers on a big journey that we don’t set the direction for.

What we plan often ends up on a different path. What we strive for sometimes just evaporates. And though it all feels suffocating, life teaches us something invisible that happiness lies not in mastering, but in accepting.

Learning to accept does not mean giving up, but rather understanding that there is a force beyond us that works relentlessly, shepherding each moment towards its destiny.

It is when we stop resisting, when we stop asking ‘why?’, that we see the beauty in uncertainty.

The secret of life is not to control everything, but to find peace in every current that carries us. When we learn to surrender, we have nothing to lose and that is where true freedom begins.

Because in the end, it’s not about what we can hold on to, but how we live each moment with the courage to receive.

If you want to know me, come to the spaces where ideas meet, where I think about the world in all its complexity and beauty. I won't tell you all the details of my life, but hopefully through what I write, you can find a little bit about who I am, about how I see the world, and maybe a little bit about my deepest self. Thank you, let's work together and celebrate every moment of life🙏💫❤️


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