This article has been translated from the original language (Indonesian) into English.
A small rhyme may be precisely at the age of eight years when I was still in the second grade of elementary school, at that age I had begun to reflect and feel that something was missing and wrong that I could not explain in words. I grew up in the middle of an environment in a remote area of the village far from the crowds and in the middle of an environment that has not modernised the thinking of the people is still very old-fashioned from this, making thoughts or expectations of others appear that often feel burdensome and not in line with my thinking. Everyone around me seemed to know what they wanted, to know what they should do. But I, as a child, felt as though there was a void that I couldn’t fill with just what they believed to be ‘achievements’. I distinctly remember, when I was a child, I would often run to a quiet place in the corners of a dark house or even a neglected backyard just to feel calm, even though I didn’t know what I was really looking for. There was a desire in me to understand more about life, but I didn’t know how to start that quest. I would often contemplate, stargaze at night, or sit quietly under a large tree, trying to find answers to a life that felt so complex.Why are we here? What is the purpose of this life? There were many questions looming, and I could never get a satisfactory answer.