This article has been translated from the original language (Indonesian) into English.
As time passed, my search continued, although I stopped to think less and less. The world began to teach me to focus more on the ‘real’ things-school, friends, achievements, and expectations that came from outside of me such as my parents’ hopes that I could be a useful person for myself and others. However, even though I tried to follow the flow of life as they wanted, I still felt like something was missing. All those achievements, although exhilarating at first, could never fill the void in my heart. Something inside me was still wondering about the meaning of life, about what was truly important and what I should prioritise.
This search deepened over time as I began to mature. I began to feel the difference between what I had learnt from the outside world and what I really wanted in my life. It seemed like every step I took brought me closer to one inescapable reality. The happiness I sought could not be found in success or recognition from others. I began to ask again, ‘What do I really want? What really brings peace to my heart?’